Aerisi for Restaurants, Wineries and Bars
Boost your wine sales in one simple step.
The numbers are very clear: wine in the United States is measured in gallons and billions even more than it is summed up in vintages.
In the last five years, there’s been a decided uptick in sales, including inside your places of business. While consumers spend an average of ten dollars a bottle to take home or to a dinner party, they’re popping $40 a bottle or more at a restaurant or bar.
Sure, wine drinkers consume 2.94 gallons of the stuff a year at home. But a solid 20% of the $62.7 billion national market happens on-premise, right where your servers, sommeliers, and bartenders are selling.
All categories of wine consumption are on the rise, and there’s substantial room for growth in your own sales. Here are some more numbers to explain.
Of the 40% of adult Americans reporting that they drink wine, Baby Boomers and Millennials sip the most of all of-age groups. At Aerisi, we believe there’s one simple, effective way to appeal to these prime customers and up your wine sales far above the 17% of the country’s alcohol retail.

We know from 40 years in business and considerable owner and consumer research that aerated wines offer fuller, smoother flavors, and that most customers are seeking experience as much as the actual drink each time they order.
Aerisi is a quick, portable, simple device that gently swirls wine to superior taste. In five minutes, your customers will have a beautiful decanter full of celebration, relaxation, and perfect accompaniment to their meal. Just like arriving at a table for white-cloth opening service, when a bartender or sommelier brings over Aerisi to open up a customer’s bottle, a fuller, more conversational, standout experience begins. And when a couple sits down at the bar where Aerisi is already at work, it only takes one question to ignite intrigue about which bottle they should order, too.
Aerisi has a sleek design that works beautifully with every decor, and it tucks away under the bar or in limited-storage spaces. Never obtrusive and far more affordable and easy to use than comparable devices, Aerisi was made just for your business, your sales goals, and your customers.
Big events, two-tops, or your favorite regular at the bar – Aerisi makes wine an experience for everyone you serve, and serves your business with every sale and upsell.
Here’s to giving your customers supreme sipping, and to what the numbers show you about wine sales once Aerisi is at work in your restaurant or bar.
Add the Aerisi Wine Aerator Decanter to your establishment today.